Class PlayerSet

Used by Permissions to keep track of an inclusive or exclusive set of players.

A PlayerSet contains a set of Player objects (the individuals), and uses one of two modes: Allow and Deny. These determine which players are part of the set.

  • Allow: Only individuals are included in the set
  • Deny: Everyone except individuals are included set


PlayerSet:nobody() Constructs a new set with mode Allow that contains no players
PlayerSet:everybody() Constructs a new set with mode Deny that contains all players
PlayerSet:new(mode[, players]) Constructs a new set with given mode and array of players to use as individuals
PlayerSet:cleanup() Releases all used resources
PlayerSet:setMode(newMode) Change the inclusion/exclusion mode of the set.
PlayerSet:contains(player) Returns whether the given player is in the set
PlayerSet:include(player) For Allow sets, includes the given player as contained with the set
PlayerSet:includeAll(players) For Allow sets, includes all the players given in the array as contained with the set
PlayerSet:exclude(player) For Deny sets, excludes the given player as not contained with the set
PlayerSet:excludeAll(players) For Deny sets, excludes all the players given in the array as not contained with the set
PlayerSet:reset() Resets the individuals on the set so that no players are included/excluded
PlayerSet:copyFrom(otherPlayerSet) Copies the configuration of another PlayerSet
PlayerSet:getPresent() Returns an array of players currently connected to the server who are contained in the set


Constructs a new set with mode Allow that contains no players
Constructs a new set with mode Deny that contains all players
PlayerSet:new(mode[, players])
Constructs a new set with given mode and array of players to use as individuals


  • mode Either Allow or Deny
  • players An array of players to include/exclude based on mode (optional)
Releases all used resources
Change the inclusion/exclusion mode of the set. By changing this, you effectively invert the player set.


  • newMode Either Allow or Deny
Returns whether the given player is in the set


  • player A player to query


    boolean Whether the player is contained in the set
For Allow sets, includes the given player as contained with the set


  • player The player to include
For Allow sets, includes all the players given in the array as contained with the set


  • players Array of players to include
For Deny sets, excludes the given player as not contained with the set


  • player The player to include
For Deny sets, excludes all the players given in the array as not contained with the set


  • players Array of players to include
Resets the individuals on the set so that no players are included/excluded
Copies the configuration of another PlayerSet


  • otherPlayerSet PlayerSet The set to copy configuration from
Returns an array of players currently connected to the server who are contained in the set


    An array of players
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-01-21 07:22:00